400m run
Dead Lifts (225/155)
800m run
Power Snatches (95/65)
400m run
Warmup: 3rds
200m run
3 burpees
10 hip extensions
10 single leg RDLs (5 per side) (single straight leg dead)
Mobility: push-up to down dog, spidey, overhead wall, dislocates
After: 25 single leg hip extensions per side
*build to the weight you will use for the deads and power cleans
*sub DBs or KBs for both barbell movements if needed.
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I did this one today!! 155 dead’s 75 snatch but I also did what Anthony did and messed up the reps on snatches 😂 but took me 41!
225DL,85snatch. 35:12... sucked Tricky way to get me to do 90 burpees. 1st Place in the Home gym, again. 🏋🏼♂️🥇😅
185lb deads 95lb power snatch 30 minutes to complete However, I miss read the reps on the snatch’s and did 21-15-9-6 (realized I screwed up the rep count on the final sequence) 😬
Wall of Death, never a good sign!!
Dawn...you go girl with those weights. And my arse too hurt. I did a trail run yesterday including a path called Wall of Death. My butt has been officially kicked. Lolol. BonNiE N.